Wilds Wood

Wilds Wood lessons are being delivered by Dom Seamer (KS2), Jade Tebbutt and Emma Capewell (KS3) who all have a passion for outdoor education. Through outdoor education they have seen some real benefits to the student’s wellbeing and learning since participating in their Wilds Wood lessons.

An understanding of the natural world and what in it is a source of not only a great curiosity but a great fulfilment
— Sir David Attenborough

What did the students say?

Wilds Wood lessons help me think better and give me some space
I’m happy and relaxed outside, it’s less pressure and easier to think
— LS KS3
Being outdoors makes me feel relaxed
— CF KS3


Through Wilds Wood lessons we provide an individualised outdoor learning programme. In which students experiences an introduction to a range of Bushcraft, Survival skills and more,

The programme supports students improving their social skills, independence and self-esteem. Encouraging students to access their learning across the school curriculum.

In every walk of nature, one receives far more than he seeks
— John Muir

Students have the opportunity to complete a range of qualifications within their lessons. Working towards AQA Qualifications in Bushcraft Fire Lighting and Outdoor First Aid.

Key Stage 3 attended termly lessons, each class group focus on different topics throughout the year. Including; fire safety, campfire cooking, first aid and shelter building.

Students have the opportunity to earn a Badges and Certificate of competency upon completion of each topic. To recognise their achievements within their learning.

The Wilds Wood lessons provide a strong base of learning and key experiences to encourage the students to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme that is offered at the beginning of Year 9 (KS3) for bronze level right through to Key Stage 4 where students can achieve their silver and gold awards.


Team Wilds Wood have recently gained the Woodland Trust, Green Tree Schools Award earning themselves Platinum



The team are hoping to further the student’s achievement in Wilds Wood, working toward the John Muir Trust award.



Team Wilds Wood are very excited to be developing the Woodland area at the Wilds Lodge School site further and are looking forward to inspiring more of our students.

The classroom doesn’t have to be four walls. Learning is everywhere.

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has helped countless young people on their sometimes difficult path to adulthood
— HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

For the past seven decades, the DofE charity (Reg. no. 1072490) has inspired and transformed the lives of millions of young people from all walks of life. From volunteering to physical activities, life skills to expeditions, achieving a DofE Award is a passport to a brighter future, valued by employers and universities.

Meet the DofE Coordinators.

Alice Lee and Emma Brown have led the DofE for the past two years.

Proud of the boys' achievements! Working with Second Helpings in Stamford.

Proud of the boys' achievements! Working with Second Helpings in Stamford.

Stable management.

Stable management.


Wilds Lodge have offered the Duke of Edinburgh Award for the past few years and each year has seen more students take on the award and succeed. 2019 was a fabulous year with 9 Bronze Awards and 7 Silver. In 2018, Wilds Lodge saw the completion of 8 Bronze and 3 Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards for the Year 10 and 11 students. The previous year, 8 students achieved the Bronze award. They had worked incredibly hard over the school year to achieve this and we celebrated their success in from of the whole school in the Sports Day assembly on the last day of the school term.


The Silver award is available from age 15+ years and requires a greater level of commitment of the student in terms of the time they spend on the volunteering, skills and physical component of the award. The expedition also needs to take place over three days and two nights.

Organising the food at the food bank.

Organising the food at the food bank.

Community Work clearing a garden.

Community Work clearing a garden.

With Silver DofE each pupil was required to select three activities within the physical, skills and voluntary sections and had to do these activities consistently for 1-hour per week over 3-months, one of which had to be 6-months (not an easy requirement!).

The boys have shown tremendous effort, resilience and commitment to do the tasks to the end. It has now been easy! The school staff and parents are extremely proud of them. We also look forward to seeing the younger pupils recognising this achievement and putting themselves forward to complete a very worthwhile and world-wide recognised qualification. Who knows, we may be achieving Gold awards soon.

A massive well done to all our DofE students, a wonderful achievement!